Houston Oilers DVD

The Luv Ya Blue Houston Oilers of the late 1970s got together and shared their memories. This DVD includes clips from interviews with Hall of Famers Elvin Bethea and Robert Brazile, as well as Oilers quarterback Dan Pastorini, wide receiver Ken Burrough, linebacker Gregg Bingham, tight end Mike Barber, defensive back Vernon Perry, and returner Billy “White Shoes” Johnson!

Mike Renfro and Dan Pastorini walk fans through the famous “Mike Renfro Play” from the 1979 AFC Championship Game at Pittsburgh. The play is recognized as one of the most controversial calls in NFL history.

This DVD also includes memories of the original AFL team, as Ken Houston, Garland Boyette, and Lawrence Elkins trade great stories from the Houston Oilers early years.

We Were the Oilers: The Luv Ya Blue! Era celebrates and reunites the 1978-1980 Houston Oilers. The team, led by head coach Bum Phillips, became a tight-knit family and captured the hearts of football fans everywhere. The documentary takes an unprecedented look at the players’ own stories and memories including the famous “Mike Renfro Play” during the 1979 AFC Championship Game; insights behind the Dan Pastorini for Ken Stabler trade; first impressions of new superstar Earl Campbell; and cherished memories of Bum Phillips.



Billy “White Shoes” Johnson and Dan Pastorini share a laugh during the filming of We Were the Oilers: The Luv Ya Blue Era!